Put Your Care to Mary: A Powerful Consecration Prayer for the Protection of Your Home & Family

The Catholic Church honours the feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, the protector of families and homes

Historical Background

The devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians began in the 16th century. Pope Saint Pius V added the invocation “Help of Christians” to the Litany of Loreto following the significant Battle of Lepanto in 1571.

Later, Pope Pius VII established the liturgical feast in 1814 upon his return from France after being held captive by Napoleon Bonaparte for five years. He attributed his safe return on May 24 to the intercession of Mary, Help of Christians, thus marking this date on the Church calendar in her honor.

Spread of Devotion

Saint John Bosco played a pivotal role in spreading devotion to Our Lady Help of Christians. In 1862, he constructed the grand Basilica dedicated to her in Turin, Italy. This basilica remains a symbol of faith and a testament to the power of the Virgin Mother of God.

Consecration to Our Lady Help of Christians

In recognition of her powerful intercession, many choose to consecrate their families and homes to her maternal protection. The following prayer is a way to seek her guidance and safeguarding presence.

Consecration Prayer to Mary, Help of Christians

Let us pray

Most holy Virgin Mary, appointed by God to be the Help of Christians, we choose you as the Mother and Protectress of our home.

We ask you to favor us with your powerful protection. Preserve our home from every danger – from fire, flood, lightning, storm, earthquake, thieves, vandals, and from every other danger.

Bless us, protect us, defend us. Keep as your own, all the people who dwell in this home. Protect them from all accidents and misfortunes, but above all, obtain for them the most important grace of avoiding sin.

Mary, Help of Christians, pray for all those who live in this home which is consecrated to you for all time.


By invoking her protection and placing our trust in her, we honor Our Lady Help of Christians and invite her blessings into our lives and homes

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